
Anti-Bribery Commitment

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws strictly prohibit acts of bribery and corruption and require companies to develop comprehensive and robust prevention processes and procedures. Aligned with our core value of integrity, BIS Safety Software Inc. (“BIS”) is committed to conducting business in an ethical and fair manner, which includes complying with all anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws. This is accomplished and reinforced through our Commitment.

Our Commitment:

  1. BIS has zero-tolerance for acts of bribery and corruption. Accordingly, BIS will not engage in bribes or corrupt practices of any kind and prohibits all team members and contractors from engaging in these activities.
  3. Team members and contractors will avoid any activities that might lead to or suggest bribery or corrupt practices will be made or accepted. Bribery is giving money or something of value, often illegally, to influence actions. Bribery includes giving kickbacks and grease payments. Corrupt practices means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, something of value to improperly influence actions.
  5. Team members and contractors will report all situations of bribery and corruption with business partners, team members, or third parties to the leadership team immediately, including where a demand for a bribe is expected to be received.
  7. Team members and contractors must not offer or accept any gifts, entertainment, or hospitality from third parties that could affect impartiality, influence a business decision, or lead to the improper performance of a duty.
  9. Gifts and entertainment (such as meals or sporting events) may be offered and accepted only when their value and frequency are deemed reasonable and proportionate.
  11. BIS will provide anti-bribery anti-corruption training to all new and existing team members.
  13. BIS expects all contractors, business partners, and third parties to comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and to raise any concerns about suspicions of bribery or corruption for BIS’ operations to our leadership team.
  15. Concerns and questions related to bribery and corruption can be sent anonymously to the leadership team through the Anti-Corruption Anti-Bribery Commitment page on our public website. Team members and contractors have additional means to report concerns anonymously to the People & Culture team.
  17. BIS takes breaches of this Commitment seriously and will take necessary disciplinary actions. Team members and contractors who violate these practices will be subject to disciplinary review, which may result in termination of contract or employment.
  19. Any breach of this Commitment by our contractors and business partners will be investigated and could result in the termination of our business and contractual relationships based on the findings.
  21. BIS maintains books, records, and accounts that accurately and fairly reflect the transactions of the company’s assets within reasonable detail. Team members and contractors are prohibited from making false or misleading entries in these books, records, and accounts.
  23. As required by law, BIS will report acts of bribery and corruption to authorities.

Last Updated: April 09, 2024

Report a Concern

If you have a concern, we want to know about it. All information provided is treated in the strictest confidence.

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