Client Success Team

Client Success Team

Client Success

Our goal is to effectively onboard customers into the software application

We believe that success for our clients comes from effectively utilizing the BIS learning & compliance software to its fullest potential.  In order to do that, we take the time to implement the system with our clients to ensure they are getting value from the software.

We start by exploring your companies learning and compliance needs. Then we work with your team to do an inventory analysis of what needs to be loaded into the system including:

  • historical training records
  • online courses and digital forms
  • training requirements
  • employee account information
  • company policies and/or procedures
  • and company assets.

Once everything is identified, we work with your team to map out the implementation plan. Working side-by-side each step of the way, we share tips and strategies that help your team successfully launch the application across your organization. Regardless if you have 50 employees or 50,000, we map out the plan to fit the needs of your organization.

Onboarding Timelines

Phase 1 – Information Gathering

Typical Timeline: 1-2 Weeks
During the first phase of an implementation, our biggest concern is gathering all data you’re looking to shift from your current methodologies into the software. We have an order we tend to do this in, but the data can be sent as it becomes available. We anticipate this to take one week, although this is heavily dependent upon how much data you have, how many users, and how complex your current structure is. The data we typically need to import is:

A Company Hierarchy (organization chart)

Access to the BIStrainer system is based on a hierarchy, which we like to first determine before proceeding. Common setup methods include:
a. Physical Locations (Job Sites, Geographical location, Warehouse/Depot Number, etc.)
b. Departments (General, Waste Management, Water Management, Machining etc.)
c. A combination of the above
d. Corporate hierarchy or Management Structure (CEO – Operations, Distribution, Field, etc.)

A List of Employees (past and current)

We’re looking for a list of all employees in your organization, so we can create individual accounts for them in the BIStrainer system. This account will hold their training records, employee information, and more. This data doesn’t require formatting for upload, but we recommend sending as much as possible to maximize the effectiveness of the BIStrainer system.

Historical Training Record Data

What we’re searching for in the information gathering phase is only the historical data in its raw format, so we can determine how long it will take to import this data. Although we know how massively daunting this task can seem, we look for a single, large data file to upload. This will help us refine how long Step 2 will take for your organization.

Job Roles and Training Topics

For us to help you set up your training matrix properly, we need a list of all Job Roles in your organization and all Training Topics an employee may require. Once we have this list, we can work to implement a training matrix so  employees with the right job roles receive the correct training.

Any other specific requirements for launch

If there are any other features you will be utilizing in the system, we will need an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, and how much data you currently have. Examples of this may include:

Phase 2 – Analysis

Typical Timeline: 2-3 Days

The next phase of development is taking all the data gathered above and working to provide you with a reasonable timeline for launch. It doesn’t matter how large the organization is, the length of time to launch is often determined specifically by the complexity of the setup and how clean the originating data is. After evaluating your requirements, we will work on a timeline for launch. This timeline is flexible and can change based on anything encountered during our onboarding time. We love having a goal to shoot for so if your team is excited about pushing the timeline up, just let us know!

Phase 3 – Data Import

Typical Timeline: 2-3 Days

Data Import is the largest phase of onboarding. Once we’ve acquired all pertinent data (hierarchy, users, historical data, job roles, and training topics, other requirements) we work to start importing the data with you. We can proceed in one of two ways:

1. We do the work – We love data. We love Excel. If you don’t, let us get a quote to upload all your data for you, we’ll just confirm any exceptions and missing information with you once we’re done. We require your input on many items, but often it’s easier to answer a quick call than to worry about which character is missing from cell F348.

  • This will often be faster than us helping your team complete the import
  • We can find potential issues with the data as we’re combing through it
  • This doesn’t allow your team to learn how to import data on their own, however, which can sometimes be important. Imports are usually one-time, but this information is valuable when it comes to understanding system functionality.

2. We help you do the work – For those individuals who love getting their hands dirty, this is a great option. You will learn the finer points of the data importing systems, and how the system functions and stores your data. Considerations:

  • This will often take longer than if we are pushing through the import
  • You’ll learn valuable tidbits as we’re working through everything
  • This requires at least one dedicated individual on your team to work with us, if not more.

We also require at least one person we can regularly contact for information and responses to questions on topics. This person should be knowledgeable about the training in your organization, and the mechanics of the team.

Client Success Team

Phase 4 – Setup

Typical Timeline: 1-3 Weeks
Client Success Team

This phase is where we’ll work to set up any other remaining items, such as digital form workflows, folders, and many others. This time will be largely dependent upon how many features your team is using, and to what extent. We also work on setting up notification triggers and promoting management accounts to the level of access they require for things like reporting and competency assessments.

Phase 5 – Training

Typical Timeline: ½ Day
Client Success Team

The next important phase will be training your team. Until this point, we will be working closely with a member (or members) of your team. Once we’re ready to go, we’ll train everyone involved with the rollout so they’re prepared for the launch.

Phase 6 – Rollout

Typical Timeline: 2 Days
Client Success Team

The actual rollout is easy – but we’re standing by to make sure things go smoothly. We set this at two days, but we’re available to help you on a continuous basis for anything you may need during this time.

Phase 7 – Support

Typical Timeline:  

The next important phase will be training your team. We will be working closely with a member (or members) of your team until this point, but once we’re ready to go we’ll want to train everyone involved with the rollout so they’re ready for the launch.

Support is available via:


Toll Free – 1-866-416-1660
Local – 780-410-1660

A Few of Our Partners and Clients

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